This is the first step in optimizing your lifestyle!
Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.
-Mark Victor Hansen
This page is dedicated to you whether you are ready to start cleaning up your act but don’t know where to begin, or if you are already well down your path. I’m going to give you honest clear advice about the way I care for my body. This material is based on my own personal experience and study. I feel it is each individual’s own responsibility to learn how their own body works and how to maintain it. This is what works for me. Your body is your temple and physical body is your connection to life on this planet. As the foundational level of your pyramid, if your foundation is shaky it is much harder to bring stillness and clear intent to the mind. Without this clear focus your can’t set and achieve short and long term goals.
I spent years getting frustrated by a mind full of chatter and emotions that were hard to restrain. I told myself I was in decent shape but that was mostly denial. I wasn’t overweight enough to attract any attention so I didn’t bother to worry about nutrition or any regular exercise. I definitely wasn’t thinking much about the quality of the food I was eating, how it was made, or what was in it.
I was getting into things like Yoga and transcendental meditation, reading very intellectual books on psychology, quantum physics, etc. I always go down the rabbit hole as far as I can in anything that peaks my interest. I thought I was a real smarty pants, but it was all intellectual knowledge and I hadn’t really “lived” it. Most of what you can read in a book or learn at a seminar is only worth the changes it brings about in your actual human experience. Whenever I tried to actually have one of these experiences I kept reading about, it was like I didn’t have enough voltage in my system and there was too much static in my thought processes to get down to any meaningful mental practice.
Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
-Dalai Lama
Everything unfolds quite beautifully and naturally when we do it in the proper order and work from the densest to the most subtle part of our human mind/body/spirit construct. Its all a matter of will power. None of what we have to do is even difficult, it just has to be done with consistency until you build enough momentum to make it automatic. Follow my direction here in this free course that works for me and will work for you.
Great!!! Now We’re Ready to State our Objectives for Balancing the Physical Instrument
We’re going to need to stop putting as many white refined powders into the body as we can. Mainly we want to avoid the three white devils: WHITE FLOUR, DAIRY, & SUGAR.
Do your own homework as to why. Basically white flour turns to sugar. Dairy turns to fat and thickens mucus throughout the body. Sugar is addictive, clouds the mind, and burns out your pancreas. It’s not rocket science. There are plenty of books by people who will beat that dead horse for you if you like.
Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.
-Dale Carnegie
Sugar is a tough one. It’s in everything. The artificial sweeteners are poisonous so please don’t be fooled by the “sugar free” label. Anything that says “Sugar-Free” or “Fat-Free” should actually say “Toxic Chemical Substitute for Something You Shouldn’t Eat Anyway.” Same goes for white bread. I’m not going to go much into gluten very much but that’s another whole topic. I will say that many people experience real benefits from staying away from it for a solid block of time. I do recommend looking into it yourself as well.
Take note that the sugars contained naturally in fruits and vegetables are bound up in the actual nutrient matrix of the plant and don’t hit your body in the same way. They are in a form that your body integrates better and it doesn’t hit you all at once and disturb the system like some candy or a sugary juice or soft drink. I don’t want you to believe or disbelieve me about anything I ever tell you. Do what I do and research the facts for myself on anything I hear that I don’t fully grasp. I’m always striving to evolve my understanding of the world.
Next you’ll want to start cutting out eating meat with every meal. I might get a lot of hate for this, but I didn’t come to the stance lightly. There are many things that come into play about the factory farms, hormones, diet of the animal, etc. etc. etc. blah blah blah, but what got me off the fence was when I found out that the more caloric intake consists of meat, the greater your risk for numerous cancers increases. I whole-heartedly advise that we all at least tone down on the (specifically red) meat and use this rule of thumb:
Don’t Eat a Portion of Meat any Bigger than your Palm
More garbage items that our bodies don’t appreciate:
- Most Fast Food (be smart)
- Fried Foods
- Anything Buttery
- Overly Processed Foods
- Dyes, Preservatives, and Artificial Flavoring
- Vegetable Oil
- Bleached White Rice (Key word BLEACHED)
- Lotions/Soaps with parabens or phthalates (your skin drinks in EVERYTHING)
- Overly Salty Snacks (cut out most snacking all together besides on vegetables or nuts)
- Cheesy Snacks and Most Cheese
- Harsh Cleaning Products & Detergents
- Plug-Ins and Most Air Fresheners
- Don’t Abuse Alcohol (if you feel it the next morning, it was abuse)
- Don’t Abuse Other Drugs
- You’ll learn more on your own as you educate yourself!
Most of the foods and drinks we want to avoid are highly ACIDIC and lower the body’s PH level. We want to be cutting these out and replacing the items we usually indulge in out of bad habit with highly ALKALINE. Anything with a PH of less than 7 is considered to be acidic while the average healthy body has a slightly alkaline level of around 7.4. It is very rare that people become overly alkaline. Over-acidity is linked to low enzyme function, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis. It will leave your body in a state of constant fatigue where you are easily run out of breath and becoming sore after even light activity. Your body will do a good job of keeping your PH at the optimal level if you aren’t working against it.
Lets Get Physical
While you’re weeding out the undesirables from your environment you need to begin some sort of daily physical activity. GET THAT ASS MOVING TONIGHT! I don’t care what it is, just do it every day. It could be a walk, a jog, some jumping jacks, some push-ups or sit-ups, ANYTHING that gets you active for long enough to make you sweat a little. You’ll build up your resistance and activity level over time, but just set a routine. BE SURE YOU’RE PUSHING YOURSELF OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE A LITTLE BIT EVERY DAY.
These baby steps add up baby! This is a lifestyle change. This is the new course for the LONG TERM. Don’t worry about major weight loss right away. Don’t worry about getting in peak condition overnight. We’re in reality here. Feel free to work as hard as you want because your results ARE one hundred percent dependent on your actual effort. Nobody else is responsible for your self improvement. I can give you a map that will surely get you from A to B but you’ve got to make the trek.
We’re ratcheting here! Once you make progress, there’s no going back to old habits! The only option is to keep going!
In the very very least, you’ll want to do a few stretches every morning and every night before bed just to loosen you up. At least do something that gets your heart out of its sedentary pace. If you have a physically active job, you might think you’re off the hook, but we need to go above and beyond our daily grind if we want to see improvements. I’ll say this one more time: Just PICK SOMETHING and MAKE YOURSELF DO IT DAILY, and be honest with yourself about how important you know it is.
Congratulations! You stopped putting unhealthy things into the body!
Now lets make sure we’re putting only the right things into the body
Everybody hears enough about what “NOT” to eat, but not there is not enough exposure on what we actually should be eating. Not many people know how to grocery shop for a healthy lifestyle or what to cook. I’ll try and lay out some easy-to-follow guidelines for how I do it to help ease some of the anxiety.
During a typical shop for my family we get almost everything we need on the outer rim of the grocery store. The outer rim of most any store usually contains all the produce, the meat counter (usually better than the meat in the aisle), the eggs, and the milk products. I’m feeding my myself, my wife, and two daughters and we usually hit the grocery store twice a week. One bigger shop planning for the week, and a smaller shop a few days later to re-supply the fruits and vegetables (because they go so fast). We spend between $150 and $200 per week for the family of four eating mostly organic since our local store has a decent selection.
Typical Shopping List
- A bag of spinach and one other leafy green (kale/spring mix/etc)
- 4 Sweet potatoes
- A few of: Apples, Oranges, Pears, Peaches (what’s on sale)
- Strawberries and/or blueberries and/or grapes (what’s on sale)
- Bananas (my girls consume them at an alarming rate)
- Maybe a pineapple
- Raw beets and some ginger root (for juicing)
- A couple tomatoes
- A few cucumbers
- Carrots
- Celery
- 2 each of zucchini and squash
- 2 or 3 red, green, or yellow peppers
- A few jalapenos
- Avocados
- An onion
- Corn tortillas
- Brown rice or quinoa
- Maybe some bagels or a loaf of good bread
- A couple different types of raw unsalted nuts
- A dozen eggs (cage free, hormone free)
- Some almond or coconut milk
- Non-dairy yogurt
- Salmon or another fish
- Some hormone free chicken or some grass fed hormone free beef (if we’re getting meat)
When my family and I eat out at restaurants we try and eat at be conscious of what is in what we are ordering. I try and order things in line with my lifestyle and not using it as an opportunity to cheat and drop the ball. One of the most important things I need to focus on at restaurants is NOT OVEREATING, even if what I order is healthy. Portions are huge these days and it’s tempting, but make sure that you bring your “food conscience” out to eat with you!
You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of. You don’t have charge of the constellations, but you do have charge of whether you read, develop new skills, and take new classes.
-Jim Rohn
Alkalinity and ORP
After doing your homework on your body PH you’ll realize that I have lots of foods in my grocery list that are highly alkaline and few that are acidic. This alone will increase the level of energy your body will have available for mobilization. Eating alkaline foods as well as foods rich with antioxidants are major keys to living a disease free lifestyle. Oxidation is like rust that builds up on a pipe and it is also what turns an apple brown when it cut and left sitting out. Oxidation in the body is what causes us to age and develop states of disease.
ORP stands for Oxidation Reduction Potential. A fluid such as water either has a “positive” or “negative” ORP. It is the negative ORP that is beneficial to our body in that it reduces oxidation (anti-oxidant). Negative ORP is in ionized water and fresh, uncooked foods. Positive ORP increases oxidation (aging) and is found in tap water, bottled waters, sodas, alcohol, etc. Highly acidic foods usually have a very high ORP which lets them add to degradation of the body. There are supplements such as this one that can turn your water into an antioxidant that is hundreds of times more powerful than anything else in your diet.
When I started cutting down on my meat intake I started keeping a container of protein shake at the house. I avoid the whey (animal) based protein for the same reasons I try to avoid meat and animal parts in general. I’m not going to go into detail but I’ll explain the importance of getting the right “complete” protein mix. There are three common plant based proteins that you need to give you the “complete” protein that our bodies need. There are some good products available that offer the three already mixed into one in the right proportions. I don’t buy the three and mix them myself. When you’re reading the labels and comparing products make sure you see these three in addition to whatever else is in there:
3 Plant Based Proteins Needed for Complete Protein
Rice Protein
Pea Protein
Hemp or Cranberry Protein
I start off almost every morning with either a fresh juice or a smoothie. Its the easiest way to get your day going with a huge supply of nutrients and energy. Blending up or juicing bunches of raw fruits and vegetables is an awesome way to get the nutrition into your body without having to eat vegetables all day. I’ll even toss a scoop of my protein and green powder into the mixture and call it breakfast. You can literally replace whole meals this way and still get all the same nutrition. Plus when you’re blending and juicing you’re giving your body a really good head start at breaking down the nutrients to where you can integrate them effectively into the body. Not to mention that replacing meals this way will assist with any weight loss goals!
The one I have in my cabinet now:
How I Make a Smoothie in the Blender
I don’t have a fancy blender. It’s the one I got as a wedding gift. There are much more powerful ones that can really grind about anything up whole, but this one gets the job done.
2 Bananas
- 2 Apples
- 6 Strawberries
- 1/2 Cup of Blueberries
- A decent handful of Spinach
- 1 Orange
- 1 Cup of Almond or Coconut Milk
- Top off with Ice
- Optional Scoop of Protein to Make it a Meal
- Experiment!!!!
How I Make a Fresh Juice
Juicing is my favorite way to get nutrition into the body for fast paced integration. Juicing is also the best way to get your nutrition during a cleanse or a fasting period. I bought a mid grade juicer since I burnt out a couple cheap ones, and truthfully they just aren’t as reliable or easy to clean. Mine is a centrifugal juicer which is good for juicing up just about anything. It doesn’t do a terrific job on lots of leafy greens. For that you need a masticating juicer, but I just stick with the smoothies when I want greens. Same goes for bananas. I’ll also put a spoon of some super greens like chlorella or spirulina if I want to mix some greens into my juice.
4 Celery Stalks
- 6 Carrots
- 1 Cucumber
- 1/4 Pineapple
- 2 Apples
- 2 Oranges
- 1 Lemon
- 1 Raw Beet
- Ginger Root (a small piece, its potent)
There are lots of resources available about juicing for health. Lots of recipes are available for both smoothies and juices. There are also tons of cook books and other web sites out there that will give you loads of fresh ideas about how to make easy meals while staying clean. Just do a google search for “clean eating ideas.” Again, this all will just work into your routine and be automatic after you put in that conscious effort for the first few weeks.
Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil: It is huuuuugely good for you. I eat a spoonful in the morning. I cook with it instead of butter. I put it on everything that I used to put butter on. I use it as lotion. It even has an SPF factor for the sun. It will fight infection if you drop it into your eyes, ears, or on cuts and scrapes. I even swish it in my mouth for a while when I want to do some oil pulling. I don’t know how I went almost 30 years without it in my life! The only other oil I use for cooking anymore is extra virgin olive oil. Vegetable oil isn’t really used for anything very healthy.
My Favorite that I buy on subscription:
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
-Walt Disney
Switching over to eating more raw and clean foods alone will cause your body to start to dump it’s storage of garbage that has been sitting in inventory. WE FORGET THAT YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! Precisely and literally our bodies rebuild themselves at the cellular level with whatever raw materials we send into the “factory.” Or like building a house; if you use shitty materials, you end up with a shitty house. You might do a great job of making it look good, but there’s still no structural integrity. You also don’t want to overeat so that you are loading up on inventory to the point where you have to build more warehouse space just to store the excess inventory. Always stop eating BEFORE you are stuffed. You don’t need to eat so much that you are sluggish and groggy afterwards. Digesting large amounts of food taxes the body’s whole energy system. When we eat the proper portions, our bodies are extremely efficient.
These first two steps go hand in hand. You really need to work on out with the old and in with the new at the same time. Decide what day you’re going to start and just get to it. No more garbage, and really focus on only putting the good stuff into your mouth. After you’ve got a week or so under your belt and you’re on a roll you’re ready to start cleansing out the body to flush out all of the pathways and organs and filters of sediment, mucus, plaque, and sludge.
We all need to start thinking about cleansing the same way we think about changing the oil in our car. Your different organs are filters while your heart and digestive tract pump different fluids through the body. Over time we get sediment, mineral deposits, plaque, heavy metals, and thick unhealthy mucus that tends to build up in our filters and throughout our bodily systems. This is LITERALLY what is going on inside your body.
You may delay, but time will not.
-Benjamin Franklin
I CAN NOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH! The same crud that builds up on our teeth if we don’t brush very well builds up everywhere else down the line too. Plaque builds up in our veins and arteries and obstructs pathways. Think of what builds up in a shower head if you have really hard water. Basically anything that fluid gets pumped through should have some sort of routine maintenance done on it to keep it in peak performance. Ask any mechanic.
Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.
-Napoleon Hill
Changing the oil in your vehicle is recommended every few thousand miles or so. You drain the engine of the contaminated fluids and change out the dirty filters. Nobody questions why this is necessary and recommended by every manufacturer. Now it shouldn’t take such a leap in judgement to consider that cleansing the body is an advantageous practice. From now on every time your car needs an oil change thinking about cleansing your physical vehicle. Although it’s a bit of an exaggeration, just think of these if you need some motivation.
Sadly most of us are walking around with clogged filters. Most people have never done a cleanse, and many people who have, didn’t do it the right way. Doing a full body cleanse involves hitting all of the organs in the right order so you don’t flush a dirty organ into an area you just cleaned out. When you clean out your filters your whole body operates much better. Your vision gets sharper, your hearing gets better, your taste and smell get more powerful. Afterwords you can’t believe you never even noticed how dulled your senses became slowly over time. It was very profound for me, personally. I started noticing random, subtle things all over my environment that were always there, but I never picked up on.
The first thing a person generally wants to start off with is the Colon Cleanse. Especially if you have never done a legitimate cleanse before. Some people who are in really bad shape might have to hit the colon (and the whole system for that matter) a couple of times to loosen up all of the garbage hung up and deposited in there. When you’re “moving” the bowels a healthy once or twice every day and your toilet paper used per wipe goes way down, you’ll know you’re colon is running smooth.
Do or do not do. There is no try.
-Master Yoda
The liver and the kidneys which are involved in some heavy filtering are some other important candidates in line for their cleaning, but another crucial step to think about is the Parasite Cleanse. Especially if you live near or work around water, have pets, eat sushi, or come into contact with contaminated food and people without knowing it. REMEMBER THAT IT IS A PARASITES JOB TO REMAIN UNDETECTED SO IT DOESN’T GET FLUSHED OUT. I know it’s terrifying to think of worms and bugs inside of me. That’s one of the few things that really makes my skin crawl.
Rather than trying to hit each organ one-by-one by buying different products for each phase, I highly recommend just purchasing a kit that hits them all in the right order. You don’t want to waste your time with the cheap cleanses you can find online or in the health food store, but you also don’t need to drop $500 on a product either to get the results you want. My favorite is this Complete Internal Cleansing Kit. It gives you the most bang for your buck when you want to clean out the whole system and comes with the best step by step directions with customer support.
After you finish up with your cleansing and you’re feeling fresh and smooth on the inside, it’s time to keep up the good work. Your body can process foods and pump fluids and transport nutrients and other vital components throughout the body much more efficiently and with less friction. Now it is more important than ever to keep training your body into the groove of your new lifestyle. This HAS to be a lifestyle shift, or you simply won’t see any sustained improvement. OLD HABITS DIE HARD. It’s very easy to slip right back into eating the garbage foods, getting lazy about physical activity, and exposing the body to toxic situations. I like to think if it as a kind of “relapse.”
Recent research is saying that it takes an average of 66 days to program a new habit into your lifestyle. Many still subscribe to the old 21-Day rule of setting conscious habits. The truth is that if you are devoted and are properly motivated you WILL be able to train any new behavior into your life. WHEN you persevere for a few short weeks weeks, you can make anything a permanent thing! Even 66 days is a mere blink of an eye when you look at the long term. Think of how fast the last two months flew by for you.
The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to a close. In its place we are entering a period of consequences.
-Winston Churchill
This same two months of keeping at the stretching and physical activity is enough time for you to see significant results. Your flexibility and strength will have shown noticeable improvement compared to before you started your initiative. Your endurance when walking, running, biking, swimming (or whatever else you choose to do) will have noticeably increased. You will be flat out feeling better inside and out. Most people who quit and slack back into oblivion do so in the first couple of weeks, but you are not one of those people. When you make it past the first two months the hard work of changing routines is done.
Incorporating these healthy guidelines into your life is a valuable legacy to pass down to your children, community, and to your future self. We are living in a time where we have everything we need right at our fingertips to live in complete health and abundance. There is no excuse for you or me to claim ignorance while our bodies gain unhealthy weight, lose muscle tone, and we fall into all sorts of disrepair. There is a revolution taking place in health. People are taking responsibility for their health into their own hands. I want to thank you on behalf of the rest of the human race and our posterity for stepping up to the plate and getting things back into proper homeostasis!
Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.
-Abraham Lincoln