The Real Life Time Warp

DaliTimeHave you ever noticed how the passing of time seems to accelerate as you get older? I mean, all my life I have been hearing “old folks” telling me, “oh my god, time goes by so fast… the last time I saw you you were only this tall” as they stand there holding their hand up at waist height. I remember thinking to myself, “what the hell are they talking about, the last two hours at this (insert family/formal event here) seem like an ETERNITY… and who the hell is this old lady anyways?” You have the same memories, of that I’m certain; even if you didn’t have the foul mouth/mind I had as a young lad.

Well, the time has come in my own life where I just caught myself playing the role of the old man telling one of my best friend’s kids how much he grew since the last time I saw him… while he looked at me with the “who the fuck are you again” look. Come on, who doesn’t remember uncle T? Being in my 30s, it’s a hard pill to swallow that I’m no spring chicken anymore. First they stop asking for your ID at the liquor store, then kids start giving you funny looks when you think you’re being cool, then you’re getting your good luck charms ready for bingo night at the VFW.TimeWarp

The relativity of time and our perception of how fast time passes is something that only comes to mind as you get older. My wife and I and one of our good friends had a conversation the other night that really put everything into perspective. We have all thought about it before, but I had never put words to it so elegantly as I did that night. Ironically my friend’s neighbor who was outside walking his cat (yes he was really outside walking his 18 year old, hobbling cat…) happened to be half-eavesdropping on our conversation and chimed in with exactly what I am about to tell you almost word for word. It is the best verbalization of why time seems to speed up as we get older that I have been able to come up with so far.

When a person is lets say 3 years old, one year’s passing equals 1/3 of their whole lifespan. Since a child only really becomes conscious of their individuality and existence as a person and starts thinking thoughts with words instead of only riding their emotions somewhere in between baby and toddlerhood, their conscious memory is even less than that. On the contrary when a person reaches age 30, each passing year is only 1/30 of their lifespan.  That same year the 3 year old goes through is consciously experienced as passing ten times faster for the 30 year old.


Think about it. Each passing year as you age makes up a smaller and smaller fraction of your total conscious timeline and memory. When you get to be 60 years old, time will be passing twice as fast to you compared to the experience of a 30 year old.  When/if you get to be 90, you feel like time just whizzes by so fast and so much change happens so quickly that you have a hard time keeping your mind anchored into the present moment. The 3, 30, 60, and 90 year old human beings all experience the passage of the same calendar year in dramatically different ways.  Asking a 90 year old to sit in a room and quietly wait for 10 minutes would be like asking a three year old to to wait for 300 minutes or 5 whole hours! From their respective perspectives. Isn’t that insane?

MayanCircleThe ancient elders were absolutely right when they said that time is a river flowing downhill. It get’s faster and faster as you get older and if you fight the current, you get worn out real quick. As time goes by in this world more and more change happens in each age compared to the preceding one. This is actually what the Mayans were timing with their elaborate calendar system, but that’s a discussion for another time. You can read statistics all over the place that tell you that every two years ten times more data is created than in the previous two. Mind boggling! Consciousness and data grow exponentially and not in a linear fashion. More opportunity and more information is made available to us every single day than has ever been thought of before on this planet.

Back to the analogy of time being a river, some people seem to be stuck in eddy currents where time stands still. This became apparent to me a while back after going away to college for four years and returning to my home town where nothing seemed to change. It became even more shockingly apparent when I moved cross country for two years with my wife and two little girls and then moved back to the Chicago area two weeks ago where my wife and I grew up. I stopped at a friend’s parents house where absolutely NOTHING had changed since high school. Same furniture, arranged the same way… same smells, same vibe in the house, family members sitting in their same spots where they were 15 years ago. The only thing that changed was the date on the calendar.RiverRapid

This slapped me in the face with the importance of conscious growth. You have to grow and change and learn new things ON PURPOSE. Otherwise the river of time will push you off to the side into one of these eddy currents where you get stuck in old habits where nothing changes and there you sit as a spectator. With the amount of change that has happened in my family’s life and in my own personal awareness, I feel like I have aged at least ten years in the last two calendar years but that’s a good thing. I’m in the best shape of my life and I am getting smarter every day ON PURPOSE; not because I’m lucky. I love roller coasters and I love white water rafting. I couldn’t imagine sitting on the sidelines watching the world blow past me. I hope you feel the same way.

Keep evolving a little every day in any possible way…

Time is not measured by the passing of years, but by what one one does, what one feels, and what one achieves.

-Jawaharlal Nehur

You Are A Construction Zone

For things to change, YOU have to change.

-Jim Rohn

Rohn Get ItEach and every life form on this planet is a work in progress. There is no grand culmination to the evolution of conscious life. Every kind of critter from a bacterium up to a human being comes into the world with a certain hand to play. They play out their cards the best they can, learn as much as they can, teach what they can to posterity, and then it’s lights out until you come back around again (if you’re into that sort of thing). Success in the animal kingdom depends on the same thing as it does for us. It’s all very economical if you look at it. Life is simply trying to expend energy by making the best choices over perceived options to maximize safety, comfort, and growth.

I could listen to Jim Rohn lecture all day long. He is one of the best and brightest speakers still alive on the planet today. There are few people that understand the mentality of success so well and are able to articulate the message so that anybody with 1/3 of a brain can take some value away from his message. I like him so much because he was one of the first people to get me to see what my problem was. IT WAS ME! I had been pointing my finger so much that my hand was cramping up, but I needed the same slap in the face Jim Rohn did when his mentor told him “If you want your life to get better, you have to get better.”

Rohn ExcuseIt’s so ironic that every kingdom of life on the planet is fine tuned to it’s local environment the same way each instrument is tuned and timed to the same conductor in an orchestra. Everyone is playing like a beautiful symphony besides US, who are supposed to be the crowned achievers. There is quite a bit of truth to the whole story of man being tossed out of the garden if you read between the lines. When you stray too far from what is natural and harmonious your body, mind, and spirit all start to decay.

Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.

-Jim Rohn

So what do you do? Start going to work on yourself as hard as you work on your job. If you don’t design your own life’s plan and make your own choices chances are you’ll fall into somebody else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much! Everyone stars in the movie of their own life. In the eyes of everyone else YOU are somewhere between a “best supporting actor” or an “extra.” You really shouldn’t be the star of anybody else’s movie. Parents struggle with this and often lose themselves and live vicariously through their children. You also shouldn’t give up the leading role in your own movie to anybody else. Don’t cast yourself into shitty roles on purpose either.

Jim Rohn PainSo what do successful people do that 97% of other people just DON’T DO? They merely sit down, decide to make a plan, and start taking steps in the direction of their end goal. THAT’S IT! There is no magic secret to changing your life. I know everybody at least makes it to the point where they say “ok, it’s definitely time… I know I need to change X.” Not everybody, but a good number of us make it to the point where we say, “in order to change X, I’m going to Y.” Here’s where we lose more folks on the path. These are the new year resolution people who make a change for two to five days then go right back to the status quo. Soooooooo few people actually stick with their plan UNTIL they get there.

How long should you keep trying? UNTIL!

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.

Jim Rohn.

With as much violence and racism and all other forms of bullshit and garbage spread like wildfire in today’s media, it’s more important than ever for us to be taking matters into our own hands. You can’t change what’s on that TV screen by yelling at your neighbors. You can’t change anybody’s real quality of life with Facebook likes. Anything you see on the screen, no matter if its a computer, phone, TV or a billboard is already a DONE DEAL. It’s out there… It’s done and stagnant. What you can change is yourself and the way you conduct yourself in your own home and your own life. The way you interact with other people at work or at the grocery store. You can change more with a smile and a friendly hello than you can with a 45 minute rant you post on youtube. Anything you resist grows stronger. Don’t you realize that’s how you build muscle?

I EMPLORE YOU to take a look at something you can improve in your life, no matter how small. Draw a line in the sand for yourself and celebrate a little victory. Then make another, albeit slightly larger goal, and get yourself another win. One more easy one and you’ll be on a roll. Get your subconscious mind primed to carry out bolder and bolder lifestyle changes. It really builds steam and lights a fire under your ass. Before you know it you’ll be in a whole new dimension of possibilities you were never aware of before. If you don’t know where to start, go to work on what you’re putting into and onto your body with my STEP BY STEP PLAN.

Jim Rohn MoreThe key to life is that childlike state. Remember to be CHILDLIKE and not CHILDISH. Keep yourself in the state of curiosity. Of wanting to learn a new musical instrument, or learn to scuba dive, or learn martial arts. Of learning a new skill no matter what it is to stay fresh and young at heart. Most importantly of all we need to teach our kids to be authentic to what they feel drawn to and interested in. Just imagine what your life would be like if you had been coached and guided to be the most creative and loving being. Teach our kids to do what they love and the money will follow their joy. When you do what you love, you never work a day in your life. Teach our kids the path to growing up at the BEING LEVEL and be the model for them to follow.

Remember evolving a little every day in every little way.

Don’t let your learning lead to knowledge.

Let your learning lead to ACTION!

-Jim Rohn

Is being TOO GOOD a sickness?


Do you think you are a good person? What does that even mean? How did you come to the conclusion that you are so good? After all, “good” is a very relative term. The whole dualistic mindset of GOOD vs BAD is very bipolar and is completely man made. The dualistic mindset is based on competition and division. If you are good, then something else has to be bad. It implies that you are “better” than whatever you are comparing yourself to. If you are “bad” than it is because of how much better you think other people are than you.

The moment you define something as good or bad, you’re just dividing the world.


Who suffers more, good people or the so called “bad people?” Really think about it. Too many “good people” always seem to be suffering more while they look on at the bad people living it up and enjoying themselves. How do you even become good? You head outside for a stroll where there are lots of other people and say, “he’s no good, she’s not ok, he’s not ok, he’s not ok, he’s not ok, she’s bad, she’s DEFINITELY not ok… compared to all of these people I am GOOD.” Once you have labeled a sufficient number of people as BAD, then you feel good. The more good you think you are, the harder it is for you to find somebody else that is OK in your mind. Meanwhile, some people sit around being such “goodie goodies” that nobody can stand even being around them!anxious

We think that we are good, because we are trying so hard to avoid all of these bad things. It doesn’t even matter what these things are. They’re different for each of us depending on our own personal views. We develop a sort of superficial happiness and satisfaction by successfully avoiding these “bad” things. These situations and vises that appear to be causing other people to be unhappy. But… have you ever noticed that when you are trying really hard to avoid something you just can’t stop thinking about it? Why is it that when you are trying to avoid a certain person that really pisses you off you just cant stop thinking about them all day and how much you can’t stand them. You are so afraid of the unpleasant situation that might ensue if you run into them, that you spend your whole day anxious and unhappy.

You are not free from it… You are just avoiding it…

Avoiding something is not freedom from it.


Too much of our mental process around these concepts of “goodness” and “happiness” is based on feeling good and/or happy because we don’t have something undesirable in our life that somebody else does have. Along the same lines we have this same happy/good feeling when we DO have something desirable that somebody else doesn’t have. All of these aspects of our self image that completely come from comparing ourselves to other people are completely unhealthy. Putting somebody down or excluding them to make yourself feel bigger and better in an outward way is frowned upon. judge gavelThis is referred to as bullying and bigotry. Why then do we think it is OK to do the same thing within the confines of your own thoughts? Just because nobody else can hear or see you doing it doesn’t make it acceptable. The door swings the other way too. Constantly putting yourself down by comparing yourself to other people is like cutting and other forms of self harm, only you’re doing it to your mind and emotions.

We all have to stop this constant judging and comparing. Get rid of the old dualistic way of thinking based on good vs bad and right vs wrong. These are all man made concepts that don’t have any existence outside of our mind. Why is it so hard to just be ourselves? Why can’t we just be genuine and do what feels natural without worrying about what anybody else is going to think or say? Why can’t we just let other people be themselves without judging them or pointing at them or whispering about them?

The easiest way to live in a more balanced and authentic mindset is to simply STOP judging other people. Try it for the rest of the day today. Really. I am challenging you. Whatever time it is that you are reading this, see if you can make it until you fall asleep without attributing any form of judgement an another person. It might be hard, especially since other people are constantly talking other people TO US (these other people really are a pain in the ass aren’t they… or is that a judgement too). You can listen, just don’t join in. When you feel the urge to get out your gavel, give yourself the reminder that every single person on this planet is doing the best they can with what they’ve got. If they knew better, they would do better and we need to be compassionate. A wise man once said we should treat other people the way we want to be treated. goodhabitThis GOLDEN RULE extends into the mental realm. Don’t think about others the way you wouldn’t want them to think about you.

Do this for the rest of the day. Then all day tomorrow. Then the next day, and the one after. You’ve got nothing to lose except a bad attitude towards other people! It will only make it easier to stop judging yourself! Do the future a solid and teach your kids the same habit!

This is just another way we can keep evolving a little every day in every way.

Purity comes from INCLUSION, goodness comes from exclusion.


When Nobody’s Around & Nobody’s Looking

I wrote a post a few weeks back touching on the topic of normalcy and how there is really no such thing as a “normal” person. Every normal person you’ve ever met is just a weirdo like you itching to get out of his  or her protective shell. I see everybody’s personality like one of those Russian dolls; one shell inside another, and another, until you get to the core where the piece of chocolate is. russian dollsJust about every “normal” person you know is probably just an acquaintance. Once you get inside their hula hoop and break through their defenses, the jig is up and BINGO there’s that insecure, weirdo you knew was there all along.

You see we all put up these shells around us to protect our ego from feeling vulnerable. When you first meet somebody, what you are meeting is that version of their personality that they are projecting out to the public. You are seeing only what they want you to see, especially when you’re dealing with an adult, while most children can be taken at face value. I do this, you do this, everybody does this to a certain extent that correlates with how high their self confidence is and how high they rank on the “I DON’T GIVE A F***” scale. Because the truth is some of us are truly mentally and emotionally sturdy to their core and some have faced so much criticism and ridicule that they no longer give two shits what anybody thinks. This version of you is the one molded by talking to parents, teachers, policemen, strangers, and any other sort of authority figure who had the potential to react in an unpredictable way “IF” you said or did something outside of the social norm.

Just inside the outer shell is usually the personality you project to your peers. This shell is a little bit closer to the real you, but still has quite a bit of barrier set up to keep out potential embarrassment. When you’re growing up this version of you gets projected to your classmates, the other kids on the baseball team, kids in the neighborhood and at the mall, etc. When you get older it becomes your coworkers, your kids’ friends parents, people you see regularly at the gym or grocery store… you get the picture. These are people that you want to LIKE you. You see them at parties and you might even have a couple beers with them after work, but you still have quite a bit of the real you shrouded in the cloak of normalcy.securitycams These are people that you are always scanning and analyzing for clues and subtle signals; hints on whether or not they might be considered good candidates for access into the next level.

The next level requires one to be granted special security clearance. This is where you feel open enough to talk about how you really feel about things. Where you share emotions, cry on shoulders, rant and rave when pissed off, share goals and aspirations. These are people you trust with your dirty laundry and skeletons in your closet. People that also trust you with theirs out of loyalty and genuine caring. They know about your bad habits, favorite tastes in music and food, religious and political views, and any other secrets that may have left the safety of your own skull. Sometimes siblings, parents, and other family members don’t even carry the credentials for access to this version of you.

Family is a touchy subject because no two are the same. A lot of the time family members will know the real you, and you will know theirs, but neither of you would ever admit that the other is right. This builds lots of tension if not addressed in a compassionate way. Sadly some people don’t even allow their own spouses access to this. It might take YEARS of being in a relationship with someone before you start to see the “real them” come out. robin smileThis is where you can even get to know somebody better than they even know themselves and they can know you better than you even know yourself. It can be an incredibly beautiful thing when you know what each other is thinking and know what they’re going to say before they say it. Closeness and connection are immensely rewarding to the spirit but we still do an excellent job at hiding our flaws out of the fear of rejection and abandonment but you can’t hide everything and definitely not forever. Sometimes the truth of what was being held back comes out in heated arguments and it’s too hard for the relationship (no matter what kind) to bear. When trust in this inner circle is betrayed lives get tossed into total upheaval. Long term couples break up, best friends go separate ways, whole branches of family stop speaking.

I have seen much of this in my day and it truly sucks. This is the kind of emotional and spiritual pain that would be gladly traded for physical pain with no hesitation. The mind actually WILL manifest this kind of trauma as psychosomatic illness when left unchecked. This is one of the main causes of the human condition we call clinical depression. Most depression isn’t some mysterious disease that afflicts random people by chance. Anyone who thinks that is either naive or an asshole. Depression comes from being betrayed, humiliated, abandoned, neglected, or abused either physically, mentally, emotionally, or sexually by someone you were supposed to be able to trust. It also comes from the shame, regret, sadness, and guilt of hurting someone you loved in any of the ways I just mentioned. This type of condition isn’t something that drugs can fix. This is something that ends in suicide; whether it ends with some shocking act that everyone thinks happened out of the blue, a slow motion train wreck of a battle with alcohol, drugs, and hopelessness or anywhere in between. This is no joke. I know it has touched my life in many ways and you’d be a liar if you said it hasn’t touched yours. This is why the innermost sphere at the core of your being is the most important of all.

russian doll coreThe innermost shell of your being is the story you tell yourself in your own head. It is the thoughts you think to yourself, about yourself when you are sitting awake at night. A history of perceived negative reinforcement from the outside world will program your subconscious mind to beat you up. You can be your strongest ally or your absolute worst nightmare. You can sit in a room full of people that love you, that accept you and it won’t matter because you can completely lay waste to your self from every angle. We’ve all been in the state of mind where you get to thinking “damn I’m such a loser, nobody really likes me, they’re all just pretending to like me, how could anybody love me after what I did, I’m so fat, I’m such a failure, I’m too skinny, I’m so fucking ugly, I’m too short, I’m too tall, I’m such a whore” and on and on.

robin aloneIt’s a scary mental state to be in and it causes a vicious cycle. Shitty thought patterns cause low awareness and shitty choices that result in shitty life experiences which… you guessed it… cause more shitty thoughts. Rinse and repeat. This is a process that has to be derailed and reprogrammed manually. It has to happen on purpose and doesn’t have to follow hitting the proverbial “rock bottom.” Rock bottom happens to be a funeral for too many amazing people on this planet so don’t let that be you or your loved one.

The road you want to be on is the road of personal development and growing up to be the real you. It starts by energizing your physical body and tearing down all of the shells you have erected to protect your ego from feeling uncomfortable. If you want your life to change YOU MUST GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. One has to get off his or her ass and get outside for a walk and start eating a clean diet. This alone has a huge impact on mental clarity and confidence. Then get rid of all of these fragmented personas and start projecting the best version of YOU that you know how to. No more juggling between social groups, just be your damn self no matter what. Give yourself that 10 on the “NOT GIVING A FUCK” scale. Confront past traumas HEAD ON with strength and the will to move beyond the hurt no matter what role you played in the situation. Remember forgiveness is for YOU, not for the other person (even if they are or deserve to be in prison).

I don’t care what you think it is that makes you weird. If it’s something that is actually harmful to you or others, FUCKING STOP IT ALREADY! If it’s just something that is weird and unique, but generally harmless, OWN IT! We only get one shot at this life, and you need all the time you have left to evolve as much as you can toward being the best you you can be. chain breakerWhy would you want to spend your time doing anything other than being yourself, and helping others become their own greatest version? You don’t have to quit your job or run away to do this. It starts right now. The world we live in is pretty damn accepting of just about anything, as long as you can get over your own fear and self doubt about it. You can be a gay, transgender, biker, vegan, who teaches Pilates and have all the true friends you can handle.

From baby steps to giant leaps…

Evolving a little every day, in every possible way.